Posting Your Event/Networking Opportunity

Posting Your Event/Networking Opportunity

Please fill out the form below to submit your event. All we ask in exchange for promoting your event in our directory is that you post on social media about our Events Directory or include a mention of InkTip in a newsletter.

The information below is what will be promoted in our directory.

Tell our members about your event/networking opportunity.

You have 500 characters remaining for what is initially displayed and 5000 characters for the entire description. You don't have to use all 5000.
* Please upload a square image no bigger than 100k in file size and either 140x140, 200x200, or 300x300 in width and height. Images that don't meet these requirements will not be displayed.
(.jpg or .png only)

Event Date and Location Details

Entrance Fee

If there is a fee, we encourage you to provide a discount or special offer to increase attendance.


This info is for InkTip purposes only, so that we can easily contact you to get your event posted as soon as possible.

Returning the Favor:

We ask that you tell your audience about InkTip's Events Directory via social media or a newsletter in exchange for being featured in our directory.

Our events directory is promoted to more than 100,000 filmmakers, writers and producers and is accessible from every page on our site.

Please select one of the options below:

(I will share a link to InkTip's Events Directory on my organizations social media platforms.)
(I will include a short blurb and link about InkTip's Events Directory in one of my organization's newsletters.)
(I would like to help get the word out in some other way.)