
It doesn't matter how good your screenplay is if nobody reads it. Each year, thousands of spec scripts are written. Many of these scripts are written by established screenwriters who have agents and/or managers and an existing track record, all of which aids in actually getting someone to read the script. Of course, there are many more scripts being written by those not yet established in the film business. In this case, a great logline and a sensational short summary are your two most important sales tools.   Read More
I've got great news for all you screenwriters out there! YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR CAREER SUCCESS! I'm not saying that in some spiritual or theoretical way; I literally mean that   Read More
I have good news! You don't need to live in Hollywood to make it in Hollywood! In my previous articles we've discussed the ability for friendships to build career success. I know many of you   Read More
There's one amazing fact that I can almost guarantee: if every single producer in the world read your screenplay, your screenplay would get produced. I'm not kidding. If you knew how to market your script   Read More
You already have the power and the ability to succeed in the film and television industries, though you might be missing some tools. Know that you are your own company, and you are your company's CEO.   Read More
Controlling your career and your success as a screenwriter is reliant on you treating yourself like a business, and marketing your "product" to as many potential buyers as possible. If you've been reading my articles, you   Read More
If success in the film industry is based on who you know, then who you know depends upon your professionalism: beginning with the first impression, carrying all the way through to   Read More
Not only is your career completely in your hands, but in this article, I'm going to explain the one thing you can do to increase your chances of success nearly 10 fold. If there is any article of mine that you are going to take to heart, this needs to be the one.   Read More
Pitching isn't just the most important skill a writer can develop; I personally think it's the most important ability anyone can develop in every area of life.   Read More
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Savvy writers are always tweaking and polishing and editing and rewriting their loglines. Let's begin by talking about loglines that don't work, and why. Here are five types of loglines that don't work.   Read More
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