
I met this agent once who told me that, over the course of her career, she'd managed to earn a "special thanks" credit on a half dozen feature films, discovered talent that are now household names   Read More
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It takes a lot more than a good synopsis to sell a story, but a good synopsis is one of a writer's most important selling tools.   Read More
The two questions I think I get asked the most by writers are: what genre is hot right now, and should I be writing in that genre? The answer to the first question   Read More
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CAN WRITERS SELL THEIR OWN TV SERIES? Writers? NO. Writers who are reading this article…YES! And I'll tell you how, if you go with me on this for a few minutes.   Read More
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We reveal bios of the 6 producers who participated in our initial installment of the Rundown: Producers Weigh in on International Markets, Crowdfunding and More   Read More
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We asked six producers from various backgrounds to share their insights on development, finance, distribution, what they love to hear on the job, and more.   Read More
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Fail as often as you can. I can't overemphasize the importance of failure as a pathway to success. You see and hear this everywhere: You cannot possibly succeed without failing first and learning from your failures along the way. That thought should be self-evident, but as we exist in such a success-driven society, it can be hard to remember that failure is a key component of the creative process.   Read More
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I've made films. I'm making films, not only as a filmmaker, but as a dealmaker, marketer, entertainment lawyer, producer, facilitator, distributor, talent evaluator, and more. I know what it's like to be a beginner. To have questions. And to feel uncertain of the right moves to make on pressure-packed movie sets where minutes can mean thousands or millions of dollars.   Read More
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Australian screenwriter Adrian Milnes spoke with us about his recent film Bridge of the Doomed.   Read More
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The zombie movie hasn't changed much in its lifetime. Producer Michael Mahal looks to change that with recent InkTip success Bridge of the Doomed.   Read More
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