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Why do most of your brilliant ideas happen while you're in the shower? Or when you're about to fall asleep? Or in your dreams...or while you're cooking...or while you're in class (or at the office) daydreaming? There is an answer found in an exciting, emerging area of science.   Read More
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Because so many companies use Agile for some of their projects, I thought it would be fun to see if any principles can apply to screenwriting. If one thinks of a screenplay as a product, can focusing on working in smaller increments of time, being flexible to change, and getting feedback sooner work?   Read More
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Part 2. Because so many companies use Agile for some of their projects, I thought it would be fun to see if any principles can apply to screenwriting. If one thinks of a screenplay as a product, can focusing on working in smaller increments of time, being flexible to change, and getting feedback sooner work?   Read More
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Essentially, there are three things to keep in mind when you embark on any creative endeavour aimed at the television makers and audience.   Read More
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If you want to work on the most important thing of the day, do it first thing. Writing in the morning may be difficult, but once you build it into your morning routine little by little, it will be as essential as brushing your teeth.   Read More
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Being a stickler about my story-breaking is one of the key reasons I've managed to sustain a 20+ year successful writing career.   Read More
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The studio system is very political. I have dabbled in it a few times and it is just a world I am not comfortable with at this point in my career. My motivation for filmmaking is simple: I want to be able to create things I like, with people I like and enjoy myself while doing it. That is the definition of MY success.   Read More
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Ryan Reynolds in "Buried" (2010)
Writing a limited-location script can be tough. Sure, we could come up with another premise about a man who invades a home and terrorizes a woman, but can we make our script shine? Even if you come up with an angle, obstacles exist when you sit down to write a one-location script.   Read More
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As a writer, if you haven't first worked out what your story is really about on a fundamental level — what its DNA is before you start writing — you're not in the best position to know what characters to come up with, what actions they take, what's likely to happen in a scene, etc. in the first place. And this is where the Thematic Triangle of Conflict comes in. Let's jump right in by taking a look at what it is and how best to employ it in your screenplay.   Read More
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Spending time to sit and think, or to take a walk, seems increasingly difficult in a society that prizes busyness and multi-tasking. In particular, for A-type go-getters, intentionally carving more time to think without doing several things at once can seem like "wasted time." But there's a reason other than simply generating more ideas why daydream-type thinking is crucial: it's the type of ideas that are generated – namely associative thinking.   Read More
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