
Screenwriter Josh Miller wants you to ask yourself these questions before you get stuck! Read More

Outlining is a great tool for setting storytelling goals as well as helping keep your characters' motivations and actions in focus.
Here are a few steps that will help you start outlining: Read More

It doesn't matter what you think of a note or the person giving it to you. When you hear that note, you nod your head, write it down, and acknowledge what they're saying. Why? Read More

I spent an excessive amount of time in film school—six years to be exact. I can tell you what I think are the two most important things that I learned after all that time: Read More

The reality is goals can be a double-edged sword. Are they helpful? Yes, they usually can be. However, they can just as easily throw you into a vicious circle. Read More

After attending the 2018 Best Year Ever Blueprint conference in San Diego, CA hosted by Hal Elrod creator of The Miracle Morning and Jon Berghoff, creator of XCHANGE Method, I left with a number of empowering thoughts. One that has stuck with me over the years—and I've implemented ever since... Read More

You thought of an interesting premise and made sure your protagonist completed the hero's journey.
But your script still reads dry. It tends to drag. On top of that, you might have ideas for who can play the lead role, but you haven't been able to think of whom else to cast for the other roles.
One thing you've neglected: your supporting characters. Read More

Why do we let process get in the way of getting what we want? And on that note, what do we really want?
The conclusion to our series on "Why Talented Writers Fail" goes into why we must re-evaluate what we want and how to get there.
How does pain relate to our success?
Last time, we looked at four roadblocks that obstruct writers from capitalizing on their talents. Read More

Why is it that some writers without much initial talent seem to develop very quickly? Or, how is it that writers who possess talent early on struggle to make progress?
Last time, we looked at fixed vs. growth mindsets. Now, we'll look at a variety of roadblocks that impede our progress. These roadblocks frustrate us, confuse us and deter us.
But there is hope if we first recognize what they are. Read More

Each week during piano lessons, my piano teacher must have been frustrated that I didn't practice enough that week yet I had enough talent to "get by" and move on to the next piece. Why was she frustrated? Because she knew I relied on talent. I had the wrong mindset. Does this sound familiar to you or someone you know? Read More