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Why is it that some writers without much initial talent seem to develop very quickly? Or, how is it that writers who possess talent early on struggle to make progress? Last time, we looked at fixed vs. growth mindsets. Now, we'll look at a variety of roadblocks that impede our progress. These roadblocks frustrate us, confuse us and deter us. But there is hope if we first recognize what they are.   Read More
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December InkTip Magazine
InkTip was excited to speak with Laurie, one of the screenwriters on InkTip who has successfully optioned and directed their own script, about her upcoming film Scout, starring Jane Seymour, Ellen Burstyn, Danny Glover, Nikki Reed and India Ennenga. Scout was also the winner of the Bronze prize for Drama in the 2010 Page Awards, among other contests.   Read More
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X-Men: Days of Future Past
If you've spotted Kraig Wenman's name in InkTip success stories numerous times, it's not an accident. Kraig discusses what actions he took to build a career that ranges from writing about crazy neighbors for Lifetime to writing for a producer from the X-Men and Transformers franchises.   Read More
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We reveal bios of the 6 producers who participated in our initial installment of the Rundown: Producers Weigh in on International Markets, Crowdfunding and More   Read More
We reveal bios of the 6 producers who participated in our initial installment of the Rundown: Producers Weigh in on International Markets, Crowdfunding and More   Read More
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Once you have a well written, emotionally involving screenplay that has real commercial potential, getting your work read is essential to your success in Hollywood. But sometimes doing so can seem even more daunting than writing the script was.   Read More
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Out of all of the departments I worked in at InkTip, I spent the most years working in our producers department. This meant I discussed with them which scripts listings on InkTip they found effective – in other words, which attracted them the most and potentially led to being optioned – and noted what some of those writers did to create that effect. While some writers used different strategies, what most consistently did to make their script listings shine brightest became clear.   Read More
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If you've used InkTip's services before, you've probably heard of Share Tracker. But what is it?   Read More
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When you read logline after logline, patterns emerge. These patterns reveal clichés based on expressions and idioms hammered into our heads in taglines we've seen on movie or show posters, or in voiceovers we've heard in trailers by the late, great Don LaFontaine.   Read More
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