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When Final Draft launched in 1991, it quickly became the leading screenwriting software and the benchmark that all scripts were compared to. Gone were the days of counting Tab buttons to align character dialogue boxes or struggling with parentheticals. Final Draft removed the headache of formatting, allowing writers to focus on the most important part of their scripts – the writing.   Read More
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As a Screenplay Programming Director, I constantly witness the transformative power of storytelling and screenplay competitions. They're not just about winning, though that's always awesome too! Often these competitions offer a launchpad for aspiring screenwriters, a chance to share your voice and refine your craft.   Read More
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Kraig Wenman
Kraig Wenman is an InkTip member with over a decade of industry experience and dozens of writing credits to his name. His newest film Bandit is a crime thriller starring Mel Gibson, Josh Duhamel, and Elisha Cuthbert.   Read More
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Eric Weinstock
Eric Weinstock is a longtime InkTip member, with many successes over the years. His most recent film, "An Egypt Affair," is an action-thriller starring Yolanthe Cabau, Jarred Harper, and Massi Furlan.   Read More
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InkTip attended the 2023 AFM, and we want to share with you the top take-aways we had from our experience.   Read More
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Lisa Chapman
A long-time InkTip member, Lisa Chapman has had multiple successes through InkTip, her most recent being after she connected with producer Miriam Elchanan about her script Heart of a Champion.   Read More
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"Parasite" (2019)
Opening yourself up to international films allows you to expand your perspective. You get to experience films that have unique perspectives and diverse stories. On top of that, you’re able to appreciate different styles of cinema. In a time where it feels like a lot of the films coming out feel like “rinse and repeat” versions of one another, injecting some fresh storytelling can provide a much-needed escape.   Read More
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You can't win if you don't enter!
At InkTip, we have 20+ years of experience working with producers, helping them connect with talented writers through our site. We're keenly aware of the process of how producers search for their next project and have implemented that knowledge into forming our new Pitch to Page screenwriting contest!   Read More
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Don't overthink it. We're here to help!
You've crafted the perfect logline. It succinctly encapsulates the premise of your story while leaving enough intrigue for a producer to want to read more. Does that mean you're ready to go? In the words of famed college football analyst Lee Corso, "Not so fast, my friend." You're neglecting one very important and often overlooked aspect of the pitching process: the synopsis.   Read More
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Who is actually in control?
In its most basic sense, a scene should aim to either move the plot forward or reveal character, ideally both. A scene typically has the following elements...   Read More
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